College App Week 2024

Welcome back to another exciting school year! Once again, we’re sharing a wonderful opportunity to give your seniors a boost in pursuing their goals for higher education.

Oklahoma College Application Week (CAW) will be held again this fall! The goal of CAW is to ensure that every high school senior will have the opportunity to submit at least one online application to a higher ed institution—whether it be to a college, university, career technology center or trade school — during school hours, with helpful volunteers standing by to give assistance. The OK GEAR UP program held the first CAW in 2012, which means some high schools in Oklahoma will be hosting their 13th CAW this year! Through the years, 363 high schools, libraries and community services have participated in CAW.

OK College App Week is scheduled for the week of September 23-27; however, you’re not required to host your CAW during that week. You’re free to choose any week during September through November for your event. In addition, if you believe you won’t need a whole week for your CAW activities, you’re free to schedule as many days as you see fit. Many schools have chosen to host a College App Day rather than a full week of activities.

To learn more about CAW and to see all the resources that are available to help you plan and host a CAW at your school, please visit To register your school, complete the CAW registration form online or simply click ‘Register Now’ when you visit After you register, you’ll receive some free promotional posters and “I Applied” stickers for each participating senior. Students who read this might want to share it with a teacher or counselor and ask if your school will be participating.

Do you have questions? Contact Letha Huddleston | | (405) 234-4345, or
Kelli Kelnar | | (405) 234-4313.