FAFSA Data Portal

The 2025-2026 FAFSA will be released on December 1, 2024. With FAFSA completion now a graduation requirement for Oklahoma public high school seniors, this is the ideal time to sign up for the Oklahoma FAFSA Data Portal (OK-FDP). The OK-FDP is a great tool to help high school counselors track FAFSA completion for their students as they fulfill this new requirement.

The OK-FDP allows educators to provide more targeted assistance to their students, which is instrumental in increasing FAFSA completion rates – especially for first-generation students pursuing postsecondary education.

Authorized OK-FDP users will have access to student-level information regarding the FAFSA completion status of their high school seniors. Users will see students’ name, FAFSA status, FAFSA submission date and verification status.

Signing your school up for the OK-FDP is simple. Your Superintendent /School Board President/Chief Executive must complete and electronically sign the FAFSA Completion Agreement and designate any authorized users at the school who should have access to the FAFSA completion data. Privacy Certifications will be required from each user. Once completed, all forms should be returned to Kelli Kelnar at kkelnar@ocap.org.

If you have any questions, please contact Kelli. Our goal is to ensure every Oklahoma high school senior has the opportunity to complete their FAFSA and receive the financial aid they need to attend college.