Welcome back!

Whether you’re beginning your first year of higher education or you’re about to complete your degree, you may need to be reminded of a few things. Here are some suggestions:

  • Grab a map. Get acquainted with the layout of the campus and where to find key buildings, such as Student Services (Student Union, University Center). While you’re there, ask whether there are any shuttles that can help you move easily around campus. Check out the wellness center and find the library. Pay close attention to the location of student parking areas, and be sure to update your parking pass.
  • Find the financial aid office. Also known as financial services, this is the office where you can find answers to questions about the financial aid you’re eligible to receive. Make it a point to visit financial aid soon to ensure that everything is in order for you to begin the school year. If your FAFSA was selected for ‘Verification,” check to make sure the financial aid office has received all documentation they requested from you.
  • Locate the bursar’s office. This office may have a different name on your campus, but it’s where you’ll need to go to ask about payments to the school or the balance of your student account.
  • Find the medical services office. If one is available on your campus, it’s important to know where it’s located should you need medical attention.
  • Keep searching for scholarships. Websites like UCanGo2.org, OKcollegestart.org, OCCF.org and TulsaCF.org are great places to start. If your federal, state and institutional aid doesn’t cover the total cost of attendance for the year of college, scholarships can help to fill that gap.

Have you submitted a 2024-25 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)? If you haven’t, it’s not too late! There may be financial aid available for you that you don’t know about.

  • Create an account at StudentAid.gov. If you haven’t already done this, be sure to create an account and set up your username and password right away. If you’re a dependent student, one or both of your parents will also need to create an account if they haven’t already.* The information you provide as you’re creating your account must be verified with the Social Security Administration before you’re able to use your StudentAid.gov account, so be sure to create the account at least one week before you start the FAFSA.
  • Submit your FAFSA. Once you know your account information has been verified, submit your FAFSA at FAFSA.gov.

Now, take a deep breath and dive in! Going to college will be challenging, but it will also be one of the best investments you could ever make.